Technical notes

Validate with Record

If you derive the Record trait, you may want validations to be launched automatically in record hooks.

fn main() {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Record, Validate)]
#[before_write(func = "validate")] // This hook will launch validations before `create` and `save`
 pub struct User {
     pub username: String,
     pub first_name: String,
     pub last_name: String,
     pub age: usize

Enum validations

Enums can derive Validate but field validation attributes are not supported.

Forbidden method name

When using a custom validation method like the following:


The called method names can't be validations to avoid unexpected behaviors like recursive validations.

This is caused by the Validate method validations already being built and called by the derive macro.

Try using explicit names for your custom validation methods

If your objective is to call the validations of a compound object implementing Validate use the call_validations operation.

Direct implementation

You can implement Validate directly instead of deriving it.

We suggest you derive the Validate trait instead of implementing it unless you need specific operation order

You need to specify the validations method which, when deriving is filled with all the macro attributes


fn main() {
use aragog::Validate;

pub struct User {
    pub username: String,
    pub first_name: String,
    pub last_name: String,
    pub age: usize

impl Validate for User {
    fn validations(&self, errors: &mut Vec<String>) {
        // Your validations

Unstable state

The validation macros work pretty well but are difficult to test, especially the compilation errors: Are the errors messages relevant? correctly spanned? etc.

So please report any bug or strange behaviour as this feature is still in its early stages